Jeremiah's Art Way is now 100% open and ready for business. This is my second blog post, I am very happy that I can share my work with you right here on my website. Remember that my blog will give you a sneak peek of projects, paintings, and new site updates.
The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony...
I had a ribbon cutting ceremony on the 26th of May. This event was special because it was the grand opening of Jeremiah's Art Way. See the video right here at, The video is titled The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Speech.
The ceremony was a big hit and everyone had lots of fun but most of the paintings are out of stock. Everyone loved the paintings and most people took one home. Also people have asked me to paint more of the same painting so i'm a little busy. I paint all of my paintings by hand, and I have school, so it's going take a while to finish paintings. I'm going to stock up on all of my paintings ASAP.
When Will New Paintings Be In The Browse Area?
The new paintings will be in the browse area in the next two days. There will be lots of animals like a fox, a parrot, an owl, a dog, a bird, fish, a bear, a bunny, and So much more. I will also be uploading not one but two new tabs on my site very soon.
Thanks Again
Thank you so much all your support and for reading my blog. New content will be up very soon.
Jeremiah's Art Way
Wish I could have been at the ceremony in person. Looks like there was much fun and art! Love the paintings on the site. Your art teacher is amazing. Would like to see her paintings AFTER yours though because it's YOUR ARTWAY! Great Job Jer!!